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Carl D. Mottram, Immediate Past President, CLSI

Carl D. Mottram

Immediate Past President, CLSI

Professor Mottram is an independent consultant and holds the academic rank of Associate Professor of Medicine – Emeritus in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. Professor Mottram has served in numerous roles with CLSI, including serving as a member of various working groups; Vice-Chairholder, and then Chairholder of the Consensus Committee on Quality Systems and Laboratory Practices; Chair of the Consensus Council; Secretary, Treasurer, and President-Elect of the Board of Directors; President; and now Immediate Past-President. Professor Mottram also serves on the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) where he serves in several capacities, including as the Chair of their Public Relations  Committee. Professor  Mottram is a consultant to the Diagnostic Accreditation Program (DAP), the organization responsible for accrediting laboratories in British Columbia, Canada.

Professor Mottram is a recognized expert in the field of pulmonary diagnostics and is the author and editor of the definitive textbook in the field. He has published numerous abstracts, peer-reviewed articles, and book chapters, and has given hundreds of lectures at national and international meetings.