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Andrew Quintenz, Member, CLSI

Andrew Quintenz

Member, CLSI

Global Scientific & Professional Affairs Director, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

Andy Quintenz leads the Scientific & Professional Affairs team for Bio-Rad’s Quality Systems group. He is a member of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Corporate Advisory Board, the Industry Liaison to the federally mandated Clinical Laboratory Improvements Advisory Committee (CLIAC), and Chair of the US Technical Advisory Group to ISO TC 212 (Clinical Laboratory Testing and In Vitro Diagnostic Test Systems.)

With 25 years of medical device industry experience, his work focuses on supporting initiatives to improve the quality of laboratory testing worldwide with an emphasis on promoting an understanding of quality control/quality assurance practices, laboratory accreditation requirements, and clinical laboratory regulations. Andy has been involved with CLSI in various capacities during his career, including serving as a member of the CLSI Consensus Council. He finds his CLSI and ISO volunteer work meaningful, and during his international travel for Bio-Rad, enjoys promoting the role CLSI documents play in laboratory quality.