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CLSI Board of Directors

Active Advocates for CLSI and its Vision

Comprised of a balanced representation from government, industry, and the health care professions, the CLSI Board of Directors is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the voluntary consensus process, promoting quality medical testing and health care services, and fulfilling the CLSI mission.

Learn more about our board members by clicking on their name in the left-hand sidebar.

Our Board of Directors fulfills CLSI’s mission in the following ways:

  • Set and fully understand CLSI’s vision and mission.
  • Create, approve, and monitor progress on the strategic plan.
  • Set and routinely evaluate key metrics to measure organizational performance.
  • Approve the annual budget.
  • Establish organizational policies.
  • Propose amendments to the bylaws.
  • Minimize exposure to risk.
  • Provide counsel to the organization’s senior staff leadership.
  • Evaluate its chief executive officer.
  • Initiate other broad-based actions to ensure the organization’s obligations are met.