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EP07 Overview Webinar

Thank you for registering for the EP07 Overview: Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry webinar.

Please visit https://learning.clsi.org/courses/20495. Then click "Sign In" in the top right corner. You will then be asked to sign in using your CLSI website username and password. If you do not know your password you will be able to reset it from this page. Once signed in, you will be brought into the course. Click the "Click here to synchronize" button and you will have access to the course.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CLSI customer service at +1.610.688.0100, toll free (US) at +1.877.447.1888, or at customerservice@clsi.org. Thank you for being a valued CLSI customer. Please note, you must be logged in under the account that registered for the webinar.