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CLSI Susceptibility Testing Subcommittees and Resources

Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (VAST) Subcommittee | Animal-focused

Volunteers for CLSI’s Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (VAST) Subcommittee collaborate to develop and promote performance standards, breakpoints, and interpretive categories for in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacteria isolated from animals.

VAST Volunteers help to:

  • Develop standard reference methods for antimicrobial susceptibility tests
  • Provide quality control parameters for standard test methods
  • Establish breakpoints and interpretive categories for the results of standard antimicrobial susceptibility tests performed on veterinary pathogens
  • Provide suggestions for testing and reporting strategies that are clinically relevant and cost effective
  • Continually refine standards through development of new or revised methods, breakpoints, interpretive categories, and quality control parameters
  • Educate users through multimedia communication of standards and guidelines
  • Foster a dialogue with users of these methods and those who apply them

Meeting Files and Resources

Additional Resources:

  • ECOFFinder— Microsoft Excel spreadsheet calculator designed to estimate epidemiological cutoff values (ECVs, ECOFFs) for the minimal inhibitory concentrations or minimal effective concentrations of wild-type bacterial or fungal populations.

  • Disclosure of Interest