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CLSI Training Courses Catalog

Partner with CLSI and let us help support your lab to prepare for internationally recognized accreditation with proven and trusted hands-on training and mentorship.

We provide assessment services, in-person training, webinars and online learning, Quality Management Systems implementation assistance, continual improvement support, technical assistance, and customized courses.

Every program we undertake is customized to the needs of the in-country labs we support through collaboration and customization.

Getting Started With CLSI

  1. Identify your laboratory’s training needs and browse through our offerings below.
  2. Contact us at ghp@clsi.org.
  3. We'll work with you to identify the training format (in-person or online), the length of time (days or weeks), and the CLSI experts to guide you along the way. Sending you a training proposal customized to fit your needs!

General Workshop Courses

Introduction to Quality Management Systems

Building a Strong Foundation

Assessments—Reviewing the Evidence

Process Management: Quality of Your Laboratory Test Results

Microbiology Workshop

Risk Management

Quality Control and Method Evaluation Workshop

Laboratory-Developed Testing

Verification/Validation Protocols

Quality Management Courses

Sample Management

Nonconforming Event Management

Continual Improvement - Quality Indicators

Molecular Workshop

RT and ELISA Workshop

Online Learning

Laboratory QMS—Online Certificate Program

EP23 Online Workshop

Cost of Quality in the Laboratory — Online Certificate Program