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Education Policies

CLSI Education Courses and Webinars Policies

  • Courses are guaranteed to be available for 3 years from the date of initial launch, or until the specific end date listed in the course description.
  • Participants have 2 years from their purchase date to complete the course.
  • Webinars are guaranteed to be available for at least 1 year from the date of the live webinar, or for as long as the related CLSI document is current and active. 
  • CLSI reserves the right to continue availability of any course for an unspecified time period beyond the stated 1 or 3 year period when a) there is adequate demand and b) the information contained within the webinar remains relevant. 
  • Courses may be updated when necessary to prevent dissemination of outdated information. Purchasers of a course do not have automatic access to updated versions. 
  • Courses or webinars may be cancelled at any time if the content is deemed out-of-date, incorrect, or irrelevant.
  • Cancellations and refunds are not available for courses or webinars.