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CLSI Solutions to the Top 10 Deficiencies

Are you struggling with deficiencies from your latest inspection?

CLSI has the resources you need. We've identified the top 10 most commonly cited deficiencies by major accreditation organizations, and created document lists to address each area. Each document list is designed to provide you with the tools to help you prepare for accreditation inspection,  improve areas of concern, and resolve deficiencies.

Plus, it's never too late to join CLSI as a member. Our members receive a 50% discount on documents, solution packages, and programs. Learn more about membership.

Create a custom solution package for your lab today.

Custom 5-Document Package | Select Any 5 Documents
Nonmembers: $800
Custom 10-Document Package | Select Any 10 Documents
Nonmembers: $1,530

Simply fill out our online form for a custom quote request, or contact Customer Service directly at either customerservice@clsi.org or +1.610.688.0100 to order your custom document package today. Member rates apply.

Request a Custom Package Quote

View Our Solution Packages by Deficiency Category

Adverse and Nonconforming Events

Controls: Mean and Standard Deviation

Lab Director Responsibilities

Method Correlation

Method Validation and Verification

Patient and Specimen Identification

Personnel Records, Responsibilities, and Competence

Proficiency Testing

Specimen and Reagent Storage

Waived and Quantitative QC